アンチエイジング美容液 - 保湿剤との違い
- ヒアルロン酸
- オイル状のビタミンC VCIP(アスコルビルテトライソパルミテート)
- マトリキシル シンセ 6 ® (マトリキシルではありません。それほど強力ではありません)
- 主流メディア
- ビタミンAとE
- ふっくら、滑らか、引き締まった見た目
- 弾力性が増す
- 色素沈着が少ない
- 肌の色が明るくなる
- シワや小じわの減少
- より健康な肌
Although it is a little unpleasant, initially…
It’s worth the extra few dollars for peace of mind for shipping protection.
It had been a while since I ran out of Mismo MSM and I started to notice niggles in my body, which I tolerated for a while and then I thought better get Mismo MSM. And within two weeks I had started to feel like myself again. Woohoo! Thank you Mismo
Started taking these tablets to help with sleep patterns but unfortunately I had to stop for an operation and started again but finding not sleeping as well due to the pain of the operation! So still taking them and hopefully will improve my sleep
My 17 year old son loves his Blemish Gel and won’t be without it. It keeps his skin nice and clear.