ナイアシンアミドはビタミン B3 としても知られ、肌の自然なバリアの重要な成分です。肌の水分補給を改善し、炎症を抑え、小じわやシワを最小限に抑えます。また、ナイアシンアミドは皮脂の分泌を調節し、毛穴を目立たなくさせるので、脂性肌やニキビができやすい肌の人に特に効果的です。
ヒアルロン酸は、その重量の 1000 倍もの水分を保持できるため、長時間の保湿に理想的な成分です。肌にハリを与え、小じわやシワを目立たなくすることで、肌の質感を改善します。また、肌の弾力性を高め、より滑らかで若々しい肌色を促進します。
MSM は、強力な抗炎症作用と抗酸化作用で知られる生理活性化合物です。肌の強さと弾力性を保つために欠かせないコラーゲンとケラチンの生成をサポートします。また、MSM は細胞透過性を高め、栄養素の吸収と毒素の排出を促進し、より健康で弾力のある肌に導きます。硫黄分が色素沈着の問題を軽減し、より滑らかで均一な肌色を促進します。
ビタミン A パルミチン酸は、細胞のターンオーバーとコラーゲンの生成を促進し、小じわやシワを減らしながら肌の質感を改善します。フリーラジカルによるダメージから肌を守ります。定期的に使用すると、より滑らかで若々しい肌になります。
I love this product. I feel it has great balance and my skin is calm. The only reason I gave 4 stars is because of how difficult it is to get the cream out of this bottle. The pump is pretty useless when it gets to an inch away from finishing product then I have to either scoop it out or hit the opening to the palm of my hand.
I like this moisturiser very much. It is not heavy, perfect for Melbourne summer.
Hi guys, thanks for the chance to comment on tbe New Age
Moisturiser. Just want to say I LOVE IT as i do all your products. wont use anything else. BIG THANK YOU . My skin looks rejuvinatecd . 😊😊💖
Finally a moisturiser that doesn't make my sensitive skin go red when i put it on. Lovely light texture, easily absorbed, non greasy and already I can see my skin texture is improving. Love love love! This is my moisturiser now.
I have really dry skin
New age is the best moisturiser I've used. Look younger. Skin feels great
I've been dealing wth this company for a few years, now. Haven't yet failed an order; always prompt and reliable. Fulfilment for an on online business is vital and this one delivers.
I love this product. I feel it has great balance and my skin is calm. The only reason I gave 4 stars is because of how difficult it is to get the cream out of this bottle. The pump is pretty useless when it gets to an inch away from finishing product then I have to either scoop it out or hit the opening to the palm of my hand.
Soft and non-greasy, really good for applying at night. Feels like you are giving your face and neck extra loving care☺️ Scent is lovely and soft, but not irritating. Picks up tired looking skin.
Have been taking product over several years and find it beneficial to help with hip pain