★★★★★リンH.私はこのミネラル ブラッシュをしばらく使っていますが、とても気に入っています。このブラッシュは、使うととても自然な仕上がりになり、塗りやすく、少量で済みます。他のブラッシュも試しましたが、どれも満足のいくものではありませんでした。このミネラル ブラッシュは完璧です。
★★★★★エイミーW新しいヌードグロスが大好きです。今まで使ったグロスの中で一番長持ちして、色も完璧です。パッケージもすごく素敵です! 間違いなくまた注文します
I recently started back exercising daily on a bike and reformer Pilates machine , after a few years of only walking as exercise. I am combining the Mismo MSM , Pure Marine Collagen and Mismo Vitamin C as my recovery drink after my daily routine . My joints are much happier as I used to suffer from knee pain but I find a don’t anymore . I have noticed my nails are stronger and my skin is smoother. Very happy with the results
I couldn't use it because of the strong scent, I'm very sensitive to fragrances! Yet more wasted money, I'll just have to use the cell soother, no fragrance.
I used MSM from another supplier before I found out about MISMO. I was glad I switched as I believe MISMO MSM to be a purer grade product. However, I have to restrict my usage as MSM prices are never discounted even for long time regular customers. When I use MISMO MSM, I get better benefits for joints and active muscle recovery after exercise than I do from other suppliers. I wish I could afford to use it more regularly and liberally. May be MISMO MSM will go back to offering discount rates for MISMO MSM to regular customers in the near future again.