肌を本当にいたわってみませんか? 外的要因と戦い、大切な顔から古い角質を取り除き、潤いをたっぷり与えましょう。このセットで 11 ドルお得です!
MISMO のグリコール酸とフルーツ酸のマスクは、古い角質を取り除き、生き生きとした肌を演出します。配合されている AHA 成分が古い角質をほぐし、マスクが乾いた後、湿らせた肌をマッサージすると、ホホバ ビーズが古い角質の除去プロセスを継続します。一年中、柔らかく絹のような肌をお楽しみください。
MISMO の保湿マスクは、1 つのマスクで肌の毒素を取り除き、潤いを与え、ふっくらとさせます。効果は長時間持続し、肌は栄養がたっぷりと補給されたように感じられます。
顔を洗った後、目の周りを避けて AHA フルーツ マスクを薄く塗ります。最初はチクチクしたり、ヒリヒリする感覚を感じるかもしれません。乾かしてから、濡れた指で湿らせてマッサージし、ホホバ ビーズが死んだ細胞を剥がすようにします。
よくすすいでから塗ってください あなたの肌に適した保湿剤。
洗顔と角質除去の後、顔と首に小さじ一杯の保湿マスクを塗ります (目の下や眉の部分に塗ることもできます)。吸収可能な成分が肌に浸透して潤いを与えるまで、15~20 分間そのままにしておきます。湿らせた布で拭き取ります。週に 1 回の使用が最適です。
仕上げに少量の ニューエイジモイスチャライザー または栄養クリーム
This is a nice mask. Works quickly and skin feels soft and clear after use
I started to use Mismo about a month ago in my Beauty Salon.Two of my favourite products are the AHA and Hydrating Mask because you see instant results in the texture and plumpness of the skin. Very happy customer.
I absolutely love this mask, I’ve been working with it for years. If I’m going out or need my skin to really brighten and freshen up, I go to this mask as my ‘saviour’.
Not only do I find it brightens and clears skin (I use the day before an event and even the day of, before make up as well), it also noticeably clears up bumps and redness, tightens skin, smoothes out wrinkles and I find it lifts my whole face.
Generally I use it once a week unless I have something special coming up and I will use it more regularly leading up to prepare my skin.
It isn’t necessarily hydrating in terms of the other mask Mismo have, but it naturally prepares the skin and when I put either their hydrating one on after sometimes or just continue to the gel serum and then moisturiser, either way the results to me are so impressive and noticeable.
Thank you Mismo, I love your products. ♥️
A great product that really leaves the skin feeling hydrated. Better than clay based masks.
Both masks are excellent. The fruit mask made my skin feel fresh and clean while the hydrating mask was excellent. I used it after a bit too much sun, my skin felt tight and dry but the mask hydrated my skin again and made it feel wonderful.
Although it is a little unpleasant, initially…
It’s worth the extra few dollars for peace of mind for shipping protection.
It had been a while since I ran out of Mismo MSM and I started to notice niggles in my body, which I tolerated for a while and then I thought better get Mismo MSM. And within two weeks I had started to feel like myself again. Woohoo! Thank you Mismo
Started taking these tablets to help with sleep patterns but unfortunately I had to stop for an operation and started again but finding not sleeping as well due to the pain of the operation! So still taking them and hopefully will improve my sleep
My 17 year old son loves his Blemish Gel and won’t be without it. It keeps his skin nice and clear.