マグネシウム ジェル コンプレックスは、全身に使用できる、非常に滑らかで油分のない保湿ボディ ローションです。痛みを和らげるマッサージと併用できるように特別に配合されています。血行を促進し、固まった筋肉のこわばりや痛みを伴う筋肉のけいれんを和らげるのに最適です。
MISMO マグネシウム ジェル コンプレックスは、経口サプリメントを摂取せずにマグネシウム レベルを高める優れた方法です。塩化マグネシウムは皮膚から非常に簡単に吸収されるため、消化器系に優しい製品です。
痛みを和らげたい部分に、清潔で乾燥した肌にマグネシウム ジェルを優しくマッサージします。 外用のみ。刺激を感じた場合は使用を中止してください。小さじ 1 杯 (5 グラム) には、身体に優れた栄養を与える塩化マグネシウムが 1.2 グラム含まれています。
Using Magnesium gel for a topical top up of daily magnesium. Works wonders. 👌
I actually thought it took some pain away in a problem area .
Great to have in your bag and take anywhere you need. Easy to apply and absorbs well.
Fantastic product ,easy to use for night cramps or just general muscle aches.
great product
Although it is a little unpleasant, initially…
It’s worth the extra few dollars for peace of mind for shipping protection.
It had been a while since I ran out of Mismo MSM and I started to notice niggles in my body, which I tolerated for a while and then I thought better get Mismo MSM. And within two weeks I had started to feel like myself again. Woohoo! Thank you Mismo
Started taking these tablets to help with sleep patterns but unfortunately I had to stop for an operation and started again but finding not sleeping as well due to the pain of the operation! So still taking them and hopefully will improve my sleep
My 17 year old son loves his Blemish Gel and won’t be without it. It keeps his skin nice and clear.