Glycation has become a buzzword in the beauty industry and it is gaining a lot of attention from laymen and skin care professionals alike. We have all heard about how this process is ageing us from the inside out, but many of us do not understand exactly what this process is.
A Quick Explanation of the Glycation Process
Simply put, glycation is the negative effect of consuming too much sugar. When we consume too much sugar, protein molecules will cross-link with sugar molecules which then creates new harmful sugar proteins. These proteins are called advance glycation end products, otherwise known as AGEs.
The problem with AGEs is that the human body perceives them as being foreign invaders. Because of this, our bodies will immediately begin to produce antibodies which cause then cause inflammation which is often visible on our skin. When the AGEs are fully formed, they then begin to also attack the dermal collagen and elastin in our skin, which expedites the ageing process.
What You Can Do To Stop Glycation
Fortunately we can take control over glycation by making a few lifestyle changes. First and foremost:
Reduce your sugar intake: This includes reducing our consumption of processed foods and browned or caramelised foods. A diet which is more focused on whole and raw foods will help slow the glycation process.
Stop smoking: We all know that smoking is horrible for our skin. Now those who smoke have yet another reason to quit.
Take on weight bearing exercises: With as much as 70% of blood glucose being consumed by our skeletal muscle, it is important for everyone to adopt weight bearing exercises to help decrease insulin resistance.
Drink water: Try to keep up with drinking the recommended 2 litres of water each day to keep skin replenished and hydrated.
Pamper your skin: This includes using sunscreen every day (yes, even in the dead of winter) and gently exfoliating your skin.
When the above are followed, a proper skincare regime with products focusing on reducing the affects of AGEs can make an individual appear to be years younger in as little as 4 weeks.
At MISMO we offer a variety of products which help combat glycation as well as other contributors to ageing, such as UV rays and free radicals.
We are particularly proud to offer our Australian-made A-C-E Vitamin C Serum which is designed to detoxify the skin while also providing superior protection against the elements.
For more information on how our products can help your skin, we invite you to contact us:
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