Applying eye shadow is really easy and if you know the tricks of the trade then you can't go wrong. It’s about experimenting with colour and finding out what colours you like. Everyone is different so this is only a guide – feel free to let your imagination come alive.
• It’s always a good idea to start with cleansing and moisturising the face before any make up application. This allows for the perfect canvas, you will get a better end result if you do this.
• Identify your skin colour; does it have pink undertones or yellow undertones? Cool colours such as pink, purple, blue, green (with a blue base) suit pink undertones while warm colours such as yellow, orange, red and green with a (yellow base) suit yellow undertones. This is the time when your imagination can come into play.• Choose three colours (light, medium and a darker colour) and white for contouring. Keeping in mind what you have decided to wear that day and what really suits you, red maybe fashionable but it’s not for everyone.
• Start applying your lightest colour first all over the lid, up to the eyebrow, don’t forget to blend it and taper or feather the edges to soften the line. Don’t apply to the area just under the outer edge of the eyebrow.

• You will now have to decide if you have “close” or “wide” set eyes. Look at the space between your eyes.
- Is the space bigger than the size of one of your eyes? Yes – you have wide set eyes.- Is the space smaller than the size of one of your eyes? Yes – you have close set eyes.

• Once you are happy with the result, there is one last step and that is to add the white. This is placed under the eyebrow at the outer edges, this gives the eye contour and definition.
For a night time look why not apply a dark charcoal colour or a black as your darker colour and bring the shadow just under the eye for a smoky sexy look.
You can now add eye liner and your mascara and you’re ready to go.
Congratulations your now ready to go!
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