Stop cramps in a LCHF diet by using Magnesium Gel

Most people who decide to follow a low carb, high fat (LCHF) or ketogenic way of eating, experience many beneficial effects, including weight loss, more energy, better mental clarity, stable blood sugar levels, better skin, and a reduction in health issues. A few, however, also experience cramps, sore joints and other symptoms related to a lack of minerals, especially during the induction phase when your body adapts to becoming a fat-burner rather than a sugar-burner.

What is LCHF?

If you have yet to hear of the LCHF diet, then you probably will soon. In fact it's not a temporary weight loss diet, it's a permanent way of eating which involves, at a basic level, significantly reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing the amount of healthy, natural fats you eat.

Saturated fat was once demonised and blamed for causing heart disease, and for many years we've been told to eat a low fat diet. Recently, however, doubt was cast on the reliability of the main study that our entire food pyramid recommendation system is based on, and newer studies are starting to show the benefits of the LCHF diet. Time Magazine even put butter on the cover of one issue in 2014, telling the world that the original scientists were wrong, and that saturated fat is not the enemy. (If you're looking for something to blame instead, sugar is a good place to start!)

Help me I'm cramping up!

To keep your body in prime condition while eating LCHF, you need to ensure you're including enough sodium, potassium and magnesium in your diet. Magnesium supplements taken orally can have unwanted digestive side effects, but MISMO's Magnesium Gel is applied topically, absorbing through the skin and bypassing the digestive system. It also includes MSM, which is excellent for pain relief.

Prevention is always the best cure, however if you suddenly cramp up during the night, simply apply some Magnesium Gel to the affected area and you'll have lasting relief very quickly. If you have a cramp in one leg, be sure to apply Magnesium Gel to the other leg too.

It's also important to make sure that you're drinking enough water. Add salt to your food for your sodium levels, and for extra potassium eat more avocados, nuts (especially pistachios), dark leafy greens, salmon, and mushrooms.

Other options

MISMO also sells Magnesium Chloride as a powder, perfect for foot soaks, or creating your own Magnesium Oil.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
trish c

I have been using mismo magnesium for over a month and have experienced a marked improvement in my joints, especially my right wrist and thumb. I am very happy with the improvement in my wrist as it requires surgery, which l have been delaying as l'm only 58 year's old. I feel confident with the mismo magnesium that l can put the surgery off longer and cope with the issue's because of the quality of the magnesium product. I'm grateful l gave mismo magnesium a go.

Nicolas Ciombras

Thanks. Tastes yuck but good for you

Mirek Jeremicz
Magnesium Chloride

The best absorbable magnesium.

Lyn Evans
Mag chloride

Love it. Along with msm my pain has improved significantly. Thanks Mismo. Will be on these 2 for good.

Michelle Spanjet

The perfect way to wind my body down for a good nights sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated