Have you noticed your older dog or cat is walking more slowly? Or hesitating to jump up on the bed or sofa to snuggle like they once did? This can be a sign they are having issues with their joints. If you are concerned your pet is having mobility issues due to pain, Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) has been widely acclaimed by vets and horse studs as an excellent option to aid in equine health care and pet ailments such as arthritis.
Horse's Friend
Although it is not widely known, MSM has for many years been used as a food supplement in both the equine and pet industry in the United States. MSM has been used to prevent and soothe back pain in horses that experience discomfort when moving, hair loss, sores around the area of the saddle and bruising. Horses with symptoms of back pain have shown signs of improvement, and improved recovery times, when given MSM. Growth above the knee known as epiphysitis can be caused by a high protein diet in growing horses. MSM can be used to relieve issues such as these while assisting in the reduction of inflammation and increasing blood circulation. Other issues that MSM can relieve in horses include Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis and arthritis.
Arthritis in Pets
MSM is believed to assist in restoring healthy joints in humans and pets. Pets are unable to tell us when they are in pain and we can watch for signs they are suffering. However, as MSM is a totally safe organic sulphur it can easily be used as a preventative approach to help avoid them suffering altogether. MSM blocks pain and also reduces inflammation. It enhances the activity of cortisol which is a body's natural hormone that acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Further health benefits of MSM for your pets include:
Antioxidant to help reduce the production of cancer causing free radicals. Improved energy, skin and healthy coat.
Your pet deserves the best care and preventative measures to keep them comfortable. MISMO offers an MSM supplement that can assist in reducing pain and inflammation for a healthier, happier pet.
Detoxification to allow better elimination of waste products and better absorption of needed nutrients
Allergies can be alleviated by providing a natural block from allergens
Parasites such as roundworms and Giardia can be prevented as the MSM acts as an antiparasitic
Risk for diabetes can be reduced as MSM provides sulphur to improve cellular glucose uptake to promote healthy blood sugar levels
Show your best friend some love and get them onto a daily dose of MISMO's MSM too.