MSM (Organic Sulfur) a Miracle Nutrient?

MSM is an anti inflammatory that has many side benefits. Dr Stanley Jacob's research paper confirmed that MSM can be used for several conditions, including arthritis, acne, allergies, asthma, burns, constipation, digestion, irritable bowel syndrome, pain, joint inflammation, Rosacea and other skin conditions. We have had excellent feedback from clients suffering all the above conditions and a few others as well. These include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, period pain, weakened hair and nails.

MSM softens skin and there is solid scientific evidence to support this claim. Your body can use MSM to make new tissue and new cells. Healthy cells replicate healthy cells. Among its many nutritional uses, sulphur is used in the structure of cell walls and if cell walls are functioning correctly, they are permeable, allowing nutrients to pass in and toxins to pass out. When using MSM as a nutritional supplement, people find their skin is much softer. MSM is a very small molecule termed a featherweight. As such it passes through the skin easily when used in gels and creams. These skin care products, known as cosmeceuticals, have natural vitamin and mineral substances added to bring specific benefits that protect the skin from ageing, wrinkles and skin problems. Taking MSM daily as a supplement softens the skin from the inside. Using MSM creams and gels softens from the outside. This is a win/win situation.

The amount of MSM taken orally varies with your ailment and level of pain. An average dose is a level teaspoon of around 4 grams. If pain is severe it may be necessary to increase the dose considerably and divide the dose in 2, taken morning (best after breakfast) and afternoon. For general health, 2 g (1/4 teaspoon) is adequate. As a general rule, don't take MSM close to bedtime. It might keep you awake. MSM has the tendency to increase your energy levels. Check out some testimonials to see how others enjoy the benefits of MSM.
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